Do you want an education or just some training?
We train a dog to sit, stay and roll over on command. We train soldiers to march, follow orders and respond like machines. Training can be a simple conditioned response and is effective on any higher-functioning organism with stimulus-response capacity.
The great thing about training is that once you are conditioned to do something a certain way, you are likely to keep doing it that way almost automatically. While this may be a desirable trait for soldiers on a battlefield, it is not so great for employees in a dynamic workplace. If they need to change, it can be difficult to break an old habit.
Education has the potential to be more complex and challenging than training. It requires more from an individual than simply attaining a level of competency in a fixed range of skills. Education involves learning principles that can be applied to a range of different settings and results in the ability to adapt to changes in your environment. It exercises the mind and increases its potential to manage new information and solve complex problems not previously encountered.
So while training may help you get a job today, education can help you keep it, realise your full potential and turn your job into a career.
What then do you want?
If you want an education that increases your capacity to see, identify, think, communicate and solve problems; you need to choose what and where you study very carefully.
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